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Маленькі, зручны, просты ў выкарыстанні
Выдатна падыходзіць для падарожжаў
The "Large Ball" is the most commonly used and versatile attachment, designed to work both large and medium muscle groups. Suitable for back, arms and legs
The “Fork” attachment is a massage head with two teeth that allows you to work the paravertebral muscles without touching the bones. You can also use it to work on the trapezius, calf muscles, and also on the Achilles tendon
The "Flat" attachment looks like a hammer tip and has a large working surface. Typically used on large, dense muscle groups such as the chest, back and legs
The "Bullet" attachment is used for a narrow, targeted impact on areas of local muscle compaction. For example, in the area of the feet, shoulders, and ligament attachment points
For best results, massage from the top to the bottom: beginning at the neck and ending at the lower back
Supports the body in removing excess fluid and toxins
Massager operates with minimal noise
For safety, the massager automatically turns off every 15 minutes
For optimal results, restrict massage sessions to 30 minutes per day
Consult your doctor before use
Before starting the massage, carefully review the instructions
Common properties details header
Зона масажу
back, calves, feet, hips, loin, neck, shoulders
Intensity levels
4 шт.
Ёмістасць акумулятара
1500 мА·ч
15 хвілін
Пульт ДК
ад USB, 5 В
Rated power
24 Вт
Лагістычныя характарыстыкі
Гарантыйны тэрмін
6 месяцаў
Памеры без упакоўкі
13.30 x 5.00 x 13.00 см
Маса без упакоўкі
0.56 кг
Памеры індывідуальнай упакоўкі
20.50 x 6.50 x 21.50 см
Скрынка індывідуальнага аб'ёму
0.0029 м³
Індывідуальная вага ўпакоўкі
0.70 кг
Памер скрынкі
34.00 x 42.50 x 44.50 см
Аб'ём скрыні
0.0643 м³
Вага скрынкі
14.95 кг
Колькасць у скрынцы
20 шт.
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