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Novelty badge
Defender - Cleaning kit with a besom CM-413


Cleaning kit with a besom

Varieties label

  • The scoop is equipped with teeth to clean the bristles of the besom from dirt and dust
  • A set for quick and easy cleaning
  • Dismountable handle
Novelty badge
Defender - Cleaning kit with a besom CM-413


Cleaning kit with a besom

Varieties label

  • Dismountable handle
  • A set for quick and easy cleaning
  • The scoop is equipped with teeth to clean the bristles of the besom from dirt and dust
Novelty badge
Defender - Cleaning kit with a besom CM-413


Cleaning kit with a besom

Varieties label

  • The scoop is equipped with teeth to clean the bristles of the besom from dirt and dust
  • Dismountable handle
  • A set for quick and easy cleaning

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