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Defender - Clothes hangers set CLH-271

Sku label 28272

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Clothes hangers set


A set of sturdy and reliable metal hangers made of wire with a diameter of 4 mm. Perfect for dresses, T-shirts, shirts and blouses. They take up little space in the closet. Visually almost invisible. Available in two colors

Careful storage for even the most delicate fabrics

The metal is covered with a layer of PVC, which protects clothes from contact with metal and keeps even slippery fabrics such as silk, satin or chiffon on the hanger

Compact placement of clothes in the closet due to the thinness of the hanger

The hanger can hold a big amount of clothes, which saves time and makes it easier to find the right item in the closet

Optimal size

The hanger width is sufficient for storing both men's and women's clothing

Bar for storing trousers or skirts

Suitable for hanging both tops and bottoms, such as pants or skirts

Suitable for storing clothes with straps

Perfect for sundresses, slip dresses, and light tops

Quality materials

Easy storage solution for clothing

Узмоцненая металічная секцыя

Common properties details header

41 см
Колькасць у рознічнай упакоўцы
10 шт.
Колькасць уключана
10 шт.
Максімальная нагрузка
5 кг

Лагістычныя характарыстыкі

Гарантыйны тэрмін
6 месяцаў
Памеры без упакоўкі
4.00 x 19.50 x 40.50 см
Маса без упакоўкі
0.58 кг
Памеры індывідуальнай упакоўкі
4.00 x 19.50 x 41.00 см
Скрынка індывідуальнага аб'ёму
0.0032 м³
Індывідуальная вага ўпакоўкі
0.57 кг
Памер скрынкі
29.00 x 36.00 x 39.00 см
Аб'ём скрыні
0.0407 м³
Вага скрынкі
9.3 кг
Колькасць у скрынцы
18 шт.
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