An adhesive remover suitable for both automotive and household surfaces
Removes stickers, glue, resin, tape, remnants of tint film
Прафесійнае ачышчэнне
Кампактны памер
Высокія ачышчальныя ўласцівасці
Citrus aroma
Гатовы да выкарыстання
Дэрматалагічна бяспечна
The product is a blend of organic solvents, surfactants, beneficial active additives, and propellants
Slow evaporation rate
Maintains its properties over an extended period without the need for reapplication, allowing complete dissolution of adhesive or bitumen layers
Test the product on a small, unnoticed area of the surface before applying it
Ensure the product is evenly spread over the surface or label to be treated
Wait 2-4 minutes for full effect of the composition
Pull the label from the edge to detach it from the surface
If needed, the processing can be repeated. Some labels have a thick top layer, lamination, or varnish that prevents the solution from penetrating. In such cases, it is necessary to remove the surface layer beforehand
Распыліць сродак на сурвэтку
To remove glue residues, use a cloth or paper towel soaked with the solution
Please read the label carefully before using!
Transported by any means of transportation except aviation, packaged by the manufacturer according to cargo transportation regulations for that mode of transport
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